Conscious Client Attraction (Hero Banner) (1)

Are you ready to transform your business?

*Would you LOVE to be surrounded by clients who want your Soul Wisdom/Sacred Gifts?

*Would you LOVE to sell your stuff by just being Who You Are?

*Would you LOVE to to feel more confident talking about Your Work?

*Would you LOVE to have your programs full of Destiny Client clients willing to pay you a great price?

*Would you LOVE to have a business that feels effortless and Deeply Fulfilling?


In the Conscious Client Attraction Course I am going to share with you the exact steps I took to make all these things true for me.

Included in this Course:

  • 4 Live Group Coaching Calls 
  • One Private Quantum Coaching Session with Cathleene
  • Downloadable Course that you get to keep forever
  • Private Facebook Group ~ The Support of a Community that’s “All In” with you

Bonus Content

Here you'll want to insert a sentence or two explaining that your offer comes with a bonus package.  

Transform your single sessions clients into ongoing deep dive clients...

Here’s the details and exactly how we will transform your business


Call One: Module 1 ~ Talk Your Walk

  • Craft messaging that whispers directly into the ears of your Destiny Clients.

  • Learn to craft your Destiny Client Directive


  • Attract exactly the right people who are ready to sign up with you

  • Gain Increased Clarity and Confidence.

  • Have Zero Hesitation talking about what you do to anyone.

Call Two: Module 2 ~ Create Irresistible Offers

  • Book higher value, deeper dives with clients you love and pay you what you’re worth.

  • Learn Irresistible Offer Creation


  • Stop working your ass off for paychecks that do not reflect your time and energy output.

  • The time, money and energy you spent to be the badass you are is coming back to you tenfold.

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Call Three: Module 3 ~ Sell Your Stuff and Never sound Sales-y

  • Have only truly heart centered conversations with your prospective clients and enroll them into your deepest level of service.

  • Learn the Divine Aligned Sacred Sales Approach


  • You never have forced conversations that feel pushy or awkward.

  • You never feel bad, slimy or fraudulent after selling your stuff.

  • You enroll dream clients.

Call Four ~ Wrap Up 

  • Prioritizing your task list

  • Working in your Zone of Genius

  • Q&A & Wrap up

  • Next Steps


  • Be in your natural rhythms.

  • Your business reflects your Soul.

  • Be yourself while you change the world with your work.

Your Energy Field


May your investment in YOU come back you 10,000 fold. 

Pay in Full $555

2 Monthly Payments $277.50 

Here's what clients are saying...

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"It's always wise to invest time in learning more about business, and I'm glad I had this dedicated time to do that. I appreciate the ways in which Cathleene "gets" what I am and do for a living and the 1-1 session with her was golden!"

~ Anonymous Client 🤍

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"This course was more than I had expected! This was such a thoughtful, well put together, and masterful class. I would recommend it to anyone looking to learn the skills necessary to take their business to the next level."

~ Anonymous Client 🤍

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"Very valuable experience, every aspect was helpful at different stages. Learned a lot and am excited to continue using the course videos and blueprints going forward!"

~ Anonymous 🤍

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"It's impossible to say what components supported me best, they all did, complementing each other and the visuals were so inspiring! This was an incredible experience for me."

~ Anonymous 🤍

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"Thank you so much for the wisdom and love you transmit to the world Cathleene, whoever is receiving a special offering from you will be forever changed!"

~ Amee🤍

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"Cathleene is a natural teacher/guide. She offers her students all of her knowledge and gifts without holding anything back. Her softness and calm energy create a safe space to learn and grow."

~ Tara Blanca, Expressive Arts Therapist 🤍

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"My time with Cathleene has been life-changing. She cuts to the core of what's happening and addresses it directly with love and compassion. She is embodied empowerment and unconditional love rolled up in one fierce force of feminine power. She takes me deeper into Spirit than almost anyone I know, yet keeps me grounded in my body and sexual power."

~ Lisa, Kung Fu For the Soul 🤍

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About Cathleene

Awaken As Love Lead Facilitator, Healing Arts Practitioner & Trainer

She brings deep spiritual lineages, as well as contemporary philosophies, cutting edge practices and much humor, compassion and empathy. She creatively weaves ancient and contemporary wisdom streams to create Integral sessions and retreats that inspire and invite Conscious Evolution.

Cathleene offers her clients a personal growth path, as well as a professional growth path, and her mission is to assist individuals in being fully empowered, fully expressed, and feeling deeply connected to life and their own innate wisdom. She has had a Tantric Healing Arts Practice for over 10 years that has served all genders in the processes of healing and sexual~spiritual integration. Four years ago she created a feminine-wisdom based business program in an effort to bring these healing arts to other professionals so they can create and grow sustainable and abundant coaching careers while they bring their own powerful gifts to their communities..

Cathleene believes these Integral Healing Arts are the healing modalities of the New Earth.

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